Applying to AIBI HE
Ready to take your next step? We’re here to take it with you.
Applying to AIBI Higher Education is quick & easy. Read through our admission criteria and double-check our application checklist below.

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Admission Criteria
English Language Proficiency
Credit for Prior Learning
Application Checklist
Admission Criteria
Prospective students can gain admission into an AIBI Higher Education undergraduate course by meeting at least one of the following admission criteria:
Higher Education Applicants
Applicants who have successfully completed at least one subject of study in an accredited higher education course at undergraduate level.
Vocational Education & Training (VET) Applicants
Applicants who have successfully completed a qualification at Diploma level (AQF 5) or higher, or a Certificate IV (AQF 4) in a related discipline determined by the Academic Dean. The qualification needs to be from a VET Training Package or an accredited program and delivered by a Registered Training Organisation in Australia or overseas.
Recent Secondary Education
Domestic Students:
• Applicants who have achieved an ATAR of 60, or equivalent, will be granted admission.
• Applicants who receive less than 60 in their ATAR after completing Year 12 may be granted admission.
*ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank): a number between 0.00 and 99.95 that indicates a student’s position relative to all the students who sat for a senior secondary certificate in Australia.
You can calculate your ATAR based on your course HSC marks.
• Applicants who have achieved an equivalent secondary qualification either interstate or overseas may be granted admission.
International Students:
• Applicants who have successfully completed a school leaving examination deemed by the Academic Dean to be equivalent to the course and standard required of candidates for the NSW Higher School Certificate.
• The Country Education Profiles will be used as a guide, but the final decision is at the discretion of the Academic Dean.
Applicants with Work & Life Experience
Applicants who finished secondary education more than two years ago
The following admission criteria apply to applicants who finished secondary education more than two years ago, are over 21 years old, and do not meet any of the criteria in the dropdowns listed above.
With a demonstrated ability to undertake study at the required level, such applicants will be granted admission due to relevant and appropriate work and life experience. This can be demonstrated through:
• broadly relevant work experience (documented e.g., CV), demonstrating a reasonable prospect of success; and/or
• formal, informal, or non-formal study, completed or partially completed, demonstrating a reasonable prospect of success; and/or
• written submission to demonstrate a reasonable prospect of success
Alternative Admission Options
Applicants who do not meet any of the other admission requirements due to a disadvantage may gain entry to a course by meeting one or more of the following criteria:
1. Applicants who can demonstrate an educational disadvantage in schooling, including, but not limited to:
• Disability;
• Chronic or serious illness;
• Disrupted education
• Lack of support for education;
• Serious family problems;
• Coming from remote, rural, or isolated areas; or
• Coming from a lower socioeconomic background.
2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders with appropriate previous life experience and/or education may apply for admission to AIBI HE courses.
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants wishing to apply via alternative admission options must indicate they are of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent on the Student Application.
Applicants who apply for admission under alternative admission will be required to provide evidence and may be required to have an interview to determine their suitability for the course.
Note: Meeting these criteria does not automatically gain a prospective student entry to a course.
Applicants Under 18
International Students:
• Applicants under 18 will be accepted only if they will have turned 18 at the time of course commencement.
Domestic Students:
• Applicants must be aged 17 or over at the time of course commencement. Any applications submitted by a person under 18 at the time of the application will require written parent/guardian consent before they may commence the course.
English Language Proficiency
For admission criteria regarding English language proficiency, refer to the English Language Proficiency Policy.
English Language Proficiency Table
Overseas and domestic applicants who have not studied in a country where English is the official language of instruction at secondary school level, seeking admission into AIBI HE course will need to demonstrate the required level of English proficiency. This can be demonstrated with evidence of one of the following:
Evidence | Minimum Requirement* |
AQF Award at Certificate IV or above |
English was the language of instruction and assessment, and the final year of study was undertaken during the five years immediately prior to applying to study with the Institute. |
Completion of at least one subject of study in an accredited higher education course at undergraduate level or above |
English was the language of instruction and assessment, and the final year of study was undertaken during the five years immediately prior to applying to study with the Institute. |
CAE (Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English) |
Grade C (52-57) |
CPE (Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English) |
Grade of C (45) or better |
Duolingo English Test |
An overall score of 105 with no section less than 85 – 90 |
ELICOS EAP Pathway | See Credit Transfer List |
IELTS Academic (International English Language Testing System) |
Overall Band Score 6.0 with a minimum sub-score of 5.5 in writing, reading, speaking and listening |
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Paper Based Test |
575 with a minimum score of 4.0 in the Test of Written English (TWE), 50 in Listening and Reading, and 52 in Speaking. |
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Internet Based Test (iBT) |
60-78 with a writing score of 18 and reading, speaking and listening scores of 16 |
PTE (Pearson Test of English) |
Overall score 52 with no skill score under 50 |
*Variations to these minimum entry requirements may be appropriate due to the nature of a course and require the approval of the Academic Board.
Credit For Prior Learning (CPL)
Our Credit for Prior Learning Policy provides a framework for granting academic credit for prior learning, while maintaining expectations of student achievement and the integrity of the course and associated award. This policy applies to all prospective students applying for admission into an Institute course, and enrolled students seeking credit for prior learning.
Below are the types of credit avaialble:
Specified Credit
Specified credit may be granted based on prior formal learning that is deemed to be equivalent when considering the learning outcomes, volume of learning, course content, and learning and assessment approaches of a specific subject/s of study within a course. The degree of equivalence needs to be at least 80%.
When approved, specified credit will be applied to specific subjects of study within the course being undertaken, which exempts the student from taking the subject to meet course requirements. As specified credit recognises that the student has achieved equivalent subject learning outcomes, it can be used to meet pre-requisites.
Specified credit can be determined on a case-by-case basis or determined as part of a credit transfer agreement.
Unspecified Credit
Unspecified credit may only be granted in courses with elective subjects. It will be granted based on prior formal learning that is appropriate in regards to the AQF level, volume of learning and learning and assessment approaches, with content that is appropriate to meet an elective option and satisfy overall course learning outcomes.
When approved, unspecified credit will be applied against an elective/s within the course. As unspecified credit does not recognise that the student has achieved equivalent subject learning outcomes, it cannot be used to meet pre-requisites.
Unspecified credit is determined on a case-by-case basis.
Block Credit
Block credit is granted when a student has completed a formal qualification that is set out in a formal credit agreement. The agreement will identify the amount of credit the student is automatically granted at the time of admission due to the level of prior learning. The agreement exempts the student from completing some stages or components within the course.
A block credit agreement does not recognise that the student has achieved equivalent subjects, learning outcomes, or content. When establishing a Block Credit Agreement, the subjects being granted credit will be determined through the mapping of desired learning outcomes, with consideration given to facilitating academic progression.
Application Checklist
Before starting your application, please ensure you are ready to submit the following supportive documents:
• Academic Transcript
• NSW School Leavers: NESA Record of Achievement and ATAR Advice Notice OR available Year 12 reports
• VIC School Leavers: VCE results issued by VCAA or available Year 12 reports
• All Other States: Equivalent Year 12 results
• If already completed Year 12, your ATAR result notice OR transcripts of post-secondary study (including university, TAFE/RTO or STAT results)
• Proof of Citizenship
• Australian Passport, Birth Certificate, or Citizenship Certificate
• New Zealand Passport, Birth Certificate, or Citizenship Certificate
• Australian Permanent Residency Document
All evidence and documentation need to be in English and need to be authentic.
Authenticity can be demonstrated by the document having been:
• Certified
i.e. The document has been sighted by a representative from an Australian Overseas Diplomatic Mission or Australian Education Office or a Justice of the Peace, and a copy of the document is noted as being certified
• Verified
i.e. The document has been sighted by the AIBI Higher Education’s Student Recruitment Officer.
Where official documentation to support an application for admission is in a language other than English, the document must be accompanied by a complete English translation.
Translated documents must comply with the following requirements:
• Must be translated by an authorised translator accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI);
• Each page of the translation must bear the translator’s signature, the date translated, and the translator’s accreditation details or official stamp.
Before starting your application, please ensure you are ready to submit the following supportive documents:
• Academic Transcript
• Diploma / Certification of Completion
• CV
• Copy of Passport
All evidence and documentation need to be in English and need to be authentic.
Authenticity can be demonstrated by the document having been:
• Certified
i.e. The document has been sighted by a representative from an Australian Overseas Diplomatic Mission or Australian Education Office or a Justice of the Peace, and a copy of the document is noted as being certified
• Verified
i.e. The document has been sighted by the AIBI Higher Education’s Student Recruitment Officer.
Where official documentation to support an application for admission is in a language other than English, the document must be accompanied by a complete English translation.
Translated documents must comply with the following requirements:
• Must be translated by an authorised translator accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI);
• Each page of the translation must bear the translator’s signature, the date translated, and the translator’s accreditation details or official stamp.