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Level 2, 451 Pitt St,
Sydney, NSW 2000,


Level 5, 440 Elizabeth Street,
Melbourne, VIC 3000,


3431 Pacific Hwy, Slacks Creek,
Brisbane, QLD 4127,


74 Walters Drive, Osborne Park,
Perth, WA 6017,

Bachelor of



CRICOS: 0102178   •   Course ID: CRS1400675

What is BB?

The Bachelor of Business (BB) at AIBI Higher Education gives students a strong foundation in essential business skills and strategies.

Students will be able to apply their knowledge to real-life scenarios and projects taught by experienced academics and industry professionals. This course prepares graduates to navigate and succeed in a wide range of business environments.

Learning Outcomes

• Gain a broad understanding of key business areas, including leadership, economics, accounting, supply chain, and marketing.

• Learn to manage business operations across borders, time zones, and regulatory environments.

• Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills for effective business management.

Study Mode

On Campus

Campus Locations

Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth


Domestic, International

Course Duration

3 years full time, 6 years part time

Next Start Date

3rd March, 2025

Fees & Scholarships

Industry Insights

Trillion Dollars

Global Trade Value in 2022

Free Trade Agreements

Australia’s FTA’s with 29 countries as of 2023

Trillion Dollars

Global Flows of Foreign Direct Investment in 2022

Career Pathways

The demand for business professionals has been extremely consistent over the past decade, offering lots of diverse career opportunities for business graduates.

Be confident to take on roles in management, marketing, business analysis, or accounting. Have a look at some career salaries below.

Potential Careers

• Business Development Manager
Avg. Salary: $115,697

• Relationship Manager
Avg. Salary: $110,000

• Business Consultant
Avg. Salary: $105,000

All salaries, sourced from, are accurate as of September 2024.

Complimentary Student Memberships

ACS Membership

ACS is the professional association for Australia’s technology sector and the largest community with 48,000+ members. All AIBI HE students are eligible to sign up for their free ACS membership.

Course Subjects

The table below provides essential information for each core subject, code and title, description, and assessment tasks.

The workload is the same for all subjects:
3 timetabled hours per week (lectures and tutorials) and 9 personal hours of study for a total of 12 hours per week.

Year 1 (Level 100)

BUS100 Accounting for Business

This subject provides students with an introduction to business accounting, an essential component of every successful business. They consider the role of accounting within the global business context and develop an understanding of the key fundamental accounting frameworks used.

Students are introduced to the accounting cycle and acquire key accounting skills and knowledge to enable them to examine the three key financial and accounting statements for all businesses: the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. In addition, they are introduced to the principles of budgeting, cost-volume analysis, and the concepts and theories of capital investment.

Furthermore, students will investigate the concept and role of ethical and corporate governance specifically in the area of financial business management. They will also be introduced to contemporary technological developments including distributed ledger systems such as Bitchain.

Tutorial Quizzes, Mid-trimester examination, Final examination.

BUS101 Business Information Systems

The subject provides students with an introduction and broad overview of the application of information technology (IT) to the management of information in organisations, and the role of the IT professional in developing and implementing IT-based solutions to information problems across a range of areas related to general business activities and specific functions, such as supply chain management, e-commerce, customer relationship management and security.

Consideration of the organisational framework for IT and IT professional practice will be set within the broader business context. The opportunities, problems and risks associated with IT will be examined, together with their implications for organisational strategy and operations.

Tutorial participation, Case studies, Quizzes, Examination

BUS103 Introduction to International Business

This subject is designed to introduce students to the issues involved in undertaking business in the global marketplace.

It examines why businesses engage in international trade and business and considers the role that economics, politics, culture and ethics play in the decision to operate internationally. In addition to reviewing the arguments for and against globalisation, the unit looks at how organisations evaluate, plan, and undertake international engagement and expansion in a global context.

Particular attention is given to the appropriate means for engaging in international trade and expansion given the nature of and circumstances facing the organisation.

Students are introduced to concepts of international financing, marketing and human resource management.

Tutorial participation, Case study, Essay, Group project

BUS104 Business Marketing

This subject provides students with the fundamentals of marketing theory and practice within the global business environment.

Students will learn how to interpret the role of business marketing, and to analyse markets and market characteristics. They are introduced to and apply contemporary marketing theories and practices.

They examine the key concepts of consumer behaviour and the factors that influence consumer demand; what people buy and how businesses respond to this demand.

Furthermore, the unit explores how international businesses are developing their competitive edge as they face emerging challenges and issues in a global marketplace that is influenced by digital, social and visual media.

The unit concludes with students examining how businesses integrate ethical, sustainable and socially responsible practices within their marketing strategies.

Quizzes, Group research presentations and Reflective journals, Case study

BUS110 Quantitative Methods for Business

This subject provides students with an introduction to statistics. The ability to accurately collect, analyse, and interpret data, is an essential skill in businesses today.

In this unit, students are introduced to basic statistical methods and practice and their role in business and organisational decision making. The unit explores various data types and methods of sampling and collection.

It examines graphical and numerical statistical methods and introduces concepts such as probability, inference, distributions, estimation, and hypothesis testing.

Tutorial quizzes, Practical exercises, Examination

Elective 1

Students must pick three of the following electives as part of their level 100 studies:

BUS102 Introduction to Enterprise Management Systems
BUS105 Communications
CYB101 Introduction to Cyber Security
ICT125 Programming Fundamentals
ICT130 Networking Essentials
ICT140 Systems and Database
MGT101 Operations and Logistics Management

Elective 2

Students must pick three of the following electives as part of their level 100 studies:

BUS102 Introduction to Enterprise Management Systems
BUS105 Communications
CYB101 Introduction to Cyber Security
ICT125 Programming Fundamentals
ICT130 Networking Essentials
ICT140 Systems and Database
MGT101 Operations and Logistics Management

Elective 3

Students must pick three of the following electives as part of their level 100 studies:

BUS102 Introduction to Enterprise Management Systems
BUS105 Communications
CYB101 Introduction to Cyber Security
ICT125 Programming Fundamentals
ICT130 Networking Essentials
ICT140 Systems and Database
MGT101 Operations and Logistics Management

Year 2 (Level 200)

BUS201 Data Analytics

This subject provides students with an introduction to data analytics. In this unit, students will lay the groundwork necessary for today’s data analysis practices including data process chain, data warehousing, descriptive and predictive analyses, Business Intelligence process flow, and Data Mining.

In addition, students will build a solid foundation in various Business Intelligence frameworks, architectures, applications, tools, and management practices.

Students will further develop the essential knowledge to elaborate on the trends and implications of traditional, modern and next-generation data analytics solutions.

Through real-world case studies, students will apply critical thinking skills to develop data analytics solutions that map out business metrics, employing a data-driven approach and business intelligence tools and platforms used in international business and cybersecurity contexts.

Quizzes, Case study, Mid-trimester Exam, Examination

MGT202 International Strategic Management

This subject provides students with an overview of Strategic Management in an international context.

It covers the key concepts and theories in the field and how they can be used to interpret and evaluate business situations in domestic and international settings.

The aim of the unit is to show how management strategy can help companies create and capture value.

The central objective will be to understand differences in profitability across firms in the global economy, placing special attention on the factors that explain why some firms achieve above-average performance.

The focus of the unit is on understanding the drivers of sustainable competitive advantage, in particular in a global context, and an understanding of the relationship between internal and external factors.

Case study, Scenario analysis and report, Examination

MGT205 Entrepreneurship and Innovation

This subject provides students with an introduction to entrepreneurship and innovation.

The subject encourages entrepreneurial behaviour through the introduction of the principles of entrepreneurship, the process of creativity and innovation through the human-centred design methodology, and the impact of this process on the success of new enterprise creation.

On completion of this unit, students will have an increased understanding of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs and the significance of innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The associated skills and techniques acquired in this unit will provide a strong foundation for both new product/service development and the launch of an entrepreneurial or corporate new venture.

Presentations, Interview, Participation, Presentation

MGT208 Organisational Behaviour and Change Management

This subject provides students with an introduction to organisational behaviour and change management applicable to the dynamic global business environment.

Organisational behaviour can be described as the study of human behaviour at the individual group and corporate level.

Students will gain of organisations by examining personal characteristics, drivers of behaviours, group dynamics, and the associated change management processes that organisations can use to maximise their effectiveness.

Quizzes & Participation, Group Report and Presentation, Examination

Elective 1

Students must pick four of the following electives as part of their level 200 studies:

BUS203 Business Process Management
BUS204 Accounting Systems
BUS205 Research Methods
MGT201 International Law and Politics
MGT203 Production and Service Delivery Systems
MGT204 Inventory and Asset Management Systems
MGT206 Business Law
CYB210 Applied Cryptography
CYB225 Secure Coding
CYB230 Network and Web Security
CYB235 Cloud Security
CYB250 Cybercrime, Cyberlaw and Cyber-ethics

Elective 2

Students must pick four of the following electives as part of their level 200 studies:

BUS203 Business Process Management
BUS204 Accounting Systems
BUS205 Research Methods
MGT201 International Law and Politics
MGT203 Production and Service Delivery Systems
MGT204 Inventory and Asset Management Systems
MGT206 Business Law
CYB210 Applied Cryptography
CYB225 Secure Coding
CYB230 Network and Web Security
CYB235 Cloud Security
CYB250 Cybercrime, Cyberlaw and Cyber-ethics

Elective 3

Students must pick four of the following electives as part of their level 200 studies:

BUS203 Business Process Management
BUS204 Accounting Systems
BUS205 Research Methods
MGT201 International Law and Politics
MGT203 Production and Service Delivery Systems
MGT204 Inventory and Asset Management Systems
MGT206 Business Law
CYB210 Applied Cryptography
CYB225 Secure Coding
CYB230 Network and Web Security
CYB235 Cloud Security
CYB250 Cybercrime, Cyberlaw and Cyber-ethics

Elective 4

Students must pick four of the following electives as part of their level 200 studies:

BUS203 Business Process Management
BUS204 Accounting Systems
BUS205 Research Methods
MGT201 International Law and Politics
MGT203 Production and Service Delivery Systems
MGT204 Inventory and Asset Management Systems
MGT206 Business Law
CYB210 Applied Cryptography
CYB225 Secure Coding
CYB230 Network and Web Security
CYB235 Cloud Security
CYB250 Cybercrime, Cyberlaw and Cyber-ethics

Year 3 (Level 300)

BUS301 Business Strategy

This subject provides students with the foundations of business strategy.

With the advent of an interdependent global marketplace, modern business engagement is complex and constantly being re-invented.

The purpose of this subject is to equip students with the ability to approach complex business problems from the cross-functional and multidimensional perspective of the CEO.

To develop and maintain a successful sustainable corporate strategy, there must first be an understanding of the links between the wider macro influences, our own industry nuances and the assets we control internally.

Starting with an understanding of the historical development of strategy, this unit will investigate the journey from the work of Sun Tsu to Mintsberg Strategic Thinking Schools through to more recent concepts of Total Quality Management, Business Process Re-engineering and onwards.

While the environment of our businesses was focused on our local domestic markets for many decades, it is now essential to be aware of the threat of global competitors.

Case analysis is used extensively to link concepts and frameworks to real-world examples. Group work engages students in the challenges of interpersonal communication, task allocation, coordination and control.

Quiz, Essay, Case study, Group report

BUS303 International Marketing

This subject provides students with an introduction to the development of marketing strategies for organisations operating in the international business environment.

Emphasis is placed on analysing trends in the international marketing environment, identifying business opportunities and adapting standard marketing concepts to the diverse social, cultural, political and economic situations found in international markets.

Attention is also given to the link between marketing and fulfilment mechanisms and customer service and the international economic, political, legal and cultural environmental influences on marketing planning.

Students will be required to assess the impact of media on marketing strategy and to analyse marketing opportunities in international contexts.

Tutorial participation, Report 1&2, Group presentation

MGT301 Global Supply Chain Management

This unit provides students with an introduction to global supply chain management.

Supply chain management is the management of relationships in the network of organisations, from end customers through original suppliers, using key cross-functional business processes to create value for customers and other stakeholders.

The ability to accurately forecast demand for products and services is central to supply chain management.

The aim of this unit is to debate the fundamental processes of supply chain management – demand forecasting and inventory optimisation – in terms of demand-driven forecasting, the dynamic balancing of customer demand and systems capability.

While the unit gives an overview of supply-driven inventory management, it does not go into the details of warehousing or inventory control.

Rather, the emphasis is on a review of demand-driven forecasting and how inventory management is shaped by demand forecasting.

The overall aim is to assess a methodology that combines data, analytics and an understanding of contemporary supply chain process optimisation.

Tutorial participation, Quizzes, Case study, Project

MGT303 Business Leadership in a Global Context

This subject provides students with an introduction to key leadership issues and challenges business managers face in an international environment.

Rather than concentrating on theories of leadership, the subject focuses on the development of practical leadership skills.

Particular emphasis is given to cross-cultural management, workplace diversity, managing a distributed, virtual and multicultural workforce, and culture-based tactics for international negotiations.

The subject encourages students to consider the concept of leadership through the lens of managers who are required to work in local and global environments simultaneously, examining the intersections of leadership and management and the role of multicultural competence in creating competitive advantage.

Tutorial participation, Case Study 1, Critique, Case Study 2

MGT305 Sustainability in Business

This subject provides students with an introduction to sustainability in business. Sustainable business models should not only provide economic value for a business but also enhance the environment and society.

Sustainable business models are as yet in their infancy and are the focus of current debate and research.

The overarching question is what is meant by sustainability in the business context and whether it can be achieved.

There are numerous areas that can be factored into a sustainable business model so as to provide solutions that maximise benefits for society and the environment, but the ultimate task is to persuade current and potential business leaders that adopting such solutions will benefit not only a business but also all its stakeholders.

This subject adopts an interdisciplinary approach to sustainable business encompassing global initiatives underpinned by environmental and ecological considerations.

Tutorial participation, Case study, Assignment

CAP301 Capstone Project

An important element of success in business organisations today is the ability to undertake research-based projects.

Such projects might seek to describe an organisational environment, identify issues, or suggest solutions to an identified problem relevant to the program they have been enrolled in.

This subject builds upon students’ previous study in their program and offers an opportunity to focus on a relevant area of interest through a formal research-related project.

Students in this subject will learn about the principles of effective research and conduct a short research project on a topic of interest based upon or influenced by their areas of interest within their program.

The subject is in two parts. In the first part, students either learn about the fundamentals of organisational research or have a refresher course to ensure that all students in the unit have the same level of preparation.

They also work with the subject coordinator to develop an agreed research topic. In the second part, they conduct their major project.

During this period, they will also meet and consult regularly with the unit coordinator to discuss their project progress.

Participation, Research Report and Presentation Part 1&2

*Please note that this capstone project is worth 20 credits. 

Elective 1

Students must pick one of the following electives as part of their level 300 studies:

BUS302 Sales and Logistics Systems
BUS304 Procurement Management Systems
BUS305 International Trade and Finance
MGT302 Extended Enterprise Management Systems
MGT304 Human Management Capital Systems
CYB310 Digital Investigations and Forensics
CYB340 Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT Security
CYB345 Penetration Testing
CYB350 Cyber Security Operations
CYB355 Cybergovernance Risk and Compliance
CYB358 Project Management

Entry Details

Fees & Scholarships

Domestic students may be eligible for FEE-HELP; a loan scheme offered by the Australian Government that assists eligible students in paying for their higher education tuition fees.

Additionally, you may be eligible for one of our domestic scholarships, which rewards people who demonstrate resilience, passion and desire to achieve.

Speak to our team regarding our course fee structure, or scholarship options. 

Eligibility Criteria

Age at Time of Course Commencement

• 17 or older

Early Entry Program

• Students undertaking Year 12 in Australia are encouraged to apply for our Early Entry Program. All applicants must be currently in Year 12 and eligible to receive an ATAR.

For more information on admissions criteria, visit our Applying to AIBI HE page.

Fees & Scholarships

Contact our team regarding our course fee structure, and payment options. 

Eligibility Criteria

Age at Time of Course Commencement

• 18 or older


Year 12 Completion (or equivalent). Requirements differ per country.

English Proficiency:

• IELTS: 6.0 Overall (no band less than 5.5, or equivalent)
• PTE: 52 Overall (no band less than 50, or equivalent)

For more information on admissions criteria, visit our Applying to AIBI HE page.

How to Apply


Choose Your Degree

Take your time and pick the course that excites you the most. You can always speak to our team before making a decision.


Check Admissions Criteria

Make sure you’ve got everything you need to apply by double-checking our admissions criteria. It won’t take long, we promise!



Fill out your application and hit submit! Our team will check over your application and get back to your as soon as possible.


Complete Enrollment

Wahey, you’re almost there!
We’ll just have to get a few final details before you’re officially an AIBI HE student.


Will all classes be in-person?

Yes, all classes will be conducted in-person, and attendance is mandatory.

Note: This does not apply to domestic students who are enrolled in online study with AIBI HE.

How long is each academic year?

Each academic year includes three trimesters, each lasting 11 weeks of teaching followed by one exam week.

What will my class schedule look like?
We normally hold your classes across 2 days. For instance:
Tuesday: Classes from 9-12 and then 1-4 or 1-4 and then 4.30-7.30.
Thursday: Class either from 9-12, 1-4 or 4.30-7.30.
Can I work while I study?

If you’re an international student, you can work 48 hours per fortnight during ongoing terms, and unlimited hours during holiday breaks.

Domestic students do not have a working cap. 

Where are your campuses located?

We have campuses located in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth.

You can view our campuses online, or request an in-person campus tour.

Is attendance mandatory for orientation?

Yes, your attendance is mandatory for orientation.

You will receive more details on your orientation after you receive your COE. 

Course ID: CRS1400675

Accredited, renewal date 25/09/2025